Contracts & eSignatures

Create and send professional contracts that match your branding in minutes. Receive signatures from your prospects and clients through a secure, convenient online experience.

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Contracts & eSignatures
Generate and email contracts fast

Generate and email contracts fast

  • Upload your document to B12 to be generated into a business contract in seconds, complete with your logo
  • For extra security, require all parties to enter a code before viewing and signing your document
  • Receive email notifications when the other party opens and signs the contract
  • View all documents in B12 and quickly see their status (sent, signed, and still in progress)
Make it easy to receive signatures electronically

Make it easy to receive signatures electronically

  • Finalize contracts remotely using electronic signatures
  • Make it simple for signatories to complete by marking up the contract with signature, date, and required fields
  • Designate signatories and email the contract to them with your contact information automatically displayed
  • All parties receive a PDF copy of the signed contract via email

Join thousands of professionals transforming their businesses with B12

Barbara Bartelsmeyer
Partner / COO, Action Logistix
Action Logistix

I can make [website edits] myself, and it’s as simple as working in a Word document. If I need more help, I’ll email the B12 team and within 24 hours, boom, it’s done.

Barbara Bartelsmeyer

Barbara Bartelsmeyer

Partner / COO, Action Logistix

Read Barbara Bartelsmeyer's story
Jia Junaid
Founder, Atlas Law
Atlas Law

I love that B12 prompts me to update certain [website] features and add integrations like online scheduling to increase efficiency in my law firm. These recommendations are often things that I would have never considered but have proved to be incredibly useful.

Jia Junaid

Jia Junaid

Founder, Atlas Law

Read Jia Junaid's story
Stephanie Roberts
Founder, Find Yourself In Fashion
Find Yourself In Fashion

With B12, I feel supported and I think it’s absolutely realistic to grow my business. It has saved me countless hours.

Stephanie Roberts

Stephanie Roberts

Founder, Find Yourself In Fashion

Read Stephanie Roberts's story
Heather Carnes
Founder, Envision HR
Envision HR

B12 has raised the entire bar of website professionalism.

Heather Carnes

Heather Carnes

Founder, Envision HR

Read Heather Carnes's story


Our contracts and eSignatures let you create and send business documents for electronic signature without ever leaving B12.

In short, to modernize your firm and save time. With remote work becoming the standard, every business needs processes to accomplish tasks and develop business relationships fast from anywhere. B12's contracts and eSignatures experience gives you access to a user-friendly yet robust document signing process that's convenient for you and your contacts. In minutes, you create, send, and receive contracts to keep your business moving forward.

Yes, contracts and eSignatures within B12 are encrypted to protect all details and sensitive information. It’s optional to add a signer PIN, which is a code that all parties must enter before viewing and signing any document.

Eversign is our trusted eSignatures provider that helps power this feature. After sending a contract, both you and the other party will receive emails from Eversign linking to the contract to sign. All of our other integrations are listed here.

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Our simple, powerful platform works especially well for businesses in these industries:

Create stunning websites with AI

Streamline your business with one online solution

Your website, invoicing, contracts, payments, and more, all in one place. Try B12 today.

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