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AI vs. human writing: finding the right balance

5 May, 2023 · 5 min read·AI thought leadership
AI vs. human writing: finding the right balance
This blog post explores the pros and cons of using AI in writing, discusses the potential impact on the human writing industry, and suggests ways to find the right balance between AI and human writing. Find out how to leverage the power of AI without compromising the artistry and creativity of human writing.

Artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionized the way we produce content today. Its ability to analyze data and learn from patterns is increasing the efficiency and productivity of writing teams around the world. In fact, those using AI for writing spend around 30% less time producing a blog post.

However, AI still faces certain limitations in producing high-quality, creative content. That’s why businesses are looking to find the perfect balance between AI and human writing. It’s essential to explore the advantages and disadvantages of both methods to maximize the results. Read on to delve into the fundamental differences of the two and how to effectively integrate AI and human writing for optimal results.

The rise of AI in writing

The world of writing has undergone a significant transformation over the past few years. AI has been widely used in writing for a variety of purposes. This ranges from content creation to proofreading. The rise of AI in writing has led to a significant shift in the industry, challenging the traditional means of creating content.

AI-powered tools are fast and efficient. This makes it easy to generate large amounts of content within a short period. They have been trained to understand multiple languages and are increasingly being used to translate content. With AI-powered writing tools, creative content can be generated, and the need for manual input reduced or entirely eliminated. 

Although an AI content generator presents several benefits, it is not entirely flawless. One significant challenge of AI writing tools is their lack of creativity when it comes to creating unique content. AI tools are great for generating text that is data-driven but struggles with producing creative, human-like content. This is where human writers bring value.

The perfect blend of an AI text generator and human writing is what the industry needs to create unique, creative, and data-driven content. The next sections will explore the benefits of both AI and human writing, how to balance both, and examples of successful integration of AI and humans in writing.

Benefits and limitations of AI writing

AI writing has experienced exponential growth over the last few years. This is enabled by advances in machine learning and natural language processing technologies. This technology utilizes algorithms and automated systems to generate textual content, based on pre-existing data sets and patterns mined from large volumes of information. The practice has been adopted in a broad range of domains, from social media statements to technical writing and even creative fictional works.

One of the great benefits of AI writing is the speed of content generation. Automated content-generating systems are capable of creating pieces of written communication significantly faster than a human being would. Additionally, AI writing has the potential to work tirelessly without requiring rest or repeating similar processes, which is a significant plus for companies that require on-demand content.

However, AI writing has its limitations. For instance, it can’t match the complexity, nuance, and wisdom inherent in human writing. Although AI writing can effectively produce coherent, grammatical, and well-structured written content, it lacks the originality, depth, and emotional tones that we associate with human writing, which can hinder the production of relatable and engaging content.

Another significant limitation lies in the fact that current AI intelligent systems and programming are heavily reliant on providing the right input data. As such, the generated content may not replicate the specific tone intended or desired by human authors, effectively diluting the message and potential impact of the written work.

Additionally, AI writing projects require a significant amount of initial setup time and investment in technical expertise. This can be particularly challenging for small businesses are already operating on a tight budget.

Advantages of human intelligence over artificial intelligence

The advantages of human writing are many. Human writing is especially important when it comes to producing high-quality, engaging content that connects with the reader emotionally. 

Engaging writing 

A skilled writer, for example, can use humor, storytelling, and other creative techniques. This helps them make their writing more interesting and entertaining. These are skills that only humans possess. AI simply doesn't have these skills and can't replicate them.

Nuances of language and adaptability

Human writers can also understand the nuances of language. This includes the context in which certain words or phrases are used. This is particularly important when trying to convey complex ideas or emotions. Doing so often requires a more nuanced approach than what an AI system can provide. Additionally, human writers are capable of adapting their writing style to their audience. They can take into account factors such as age, education level, and cultural background.


Human writing fosters innovation and creativity. It encourages writers to think outside of the box. This is particularly important in industries such as marketing and advertising. Brands in these industries are constantly looking for new and innovative ways to reach their target audience. Human writers are better equipped to come up with compelling ideas. In turn, these ideas can help companies stand out in a crowded marketplace.

Human connection

Human writing allows for a more personal and authentic connection between the writer and the reader. Let’s take, for instance, when audiences read content written by a human. Readers often feel a sense of connection or empathy. This can make them more likely to engage with the content and share it with others. This type of connection is harder to achieve with AI-generated content, which can sometimes feel sterile or impersonal.

How to find the right balance between AI and human writing

Finding the right balance between AI and human writing is crucial for businesses looking to optimize their content creation process. There are several benefits to using AI writing tools. But companies must ensure that the content they produce is high-quality and resonates with their target audience. It's important to recognize that not all content can be generated by AI. This is particularly true in cases where emotional intelligence, creativity, and subjectivity are required.

AI for redundant tasks

One way to strike a balance is to use AI writing tools for repetitive or mundane tasks, such as data analysis, keyword research, and content distribution. This frees up time for human writers. In turn, they can focus on producing high-quality content that delivers value to readers. Also, human writers can collaborate with AI tools to augment their writing, using AI to generate data-supported ideas and insights for their content.

Human brain for reviewing and editing

Another way to achieve balance is to have an editorial team responsible for the final review and editing of AI-generated content. This ensures the content aligns with the company's brand voice, tone, and messaging. The editorial team can also provide valuable feedback to the AI tool to improve its performance over time. Collaboration between AI tools and human writers is often the best approach for achieving the right balance in content creation.

Finding the right balance between AI and human writing requires a strategic approach. Businesses must evaluate their content creation process and assess the capabilities of AI tools in generating high-quality content that resonates with their audience. Ultimately, by utilizing AI alongside human writers and editors, companies can streamline their content creation process. They can efficiently produce content that is both informative and engaging.

Case studies of successful integration of AI and human writing

As we continue to integrate AI into writing, we can find successful examples of combining AI and human writing. 

Associated Press

One great case study is the Associated Press (AP). The organization is known for using AI to create racing and corporate earnings reports, which are produced in minutes. AI writes the basic hewed of a structured story, while human writers add a strong headline, quote, and other elements to enhance the report. This clever blending of AI and human writing allows them to create reports and distribute news much more quickly, hence increasing engagement with their audience.


Another prominent company that uses the AI and human blend in their writing is Grammarly. Grammarly uses AI to help check the grammar and spelling of all types of writing, from emails to academic papers. The AI component acts as an editor that suggests changes, however, the final say remains with the human writer. This collaboration has allowed Grammarly users to produce higher-quality written works with less time spent on checking and proofreading.

Striking the right balance between AI and human writing is crucial. While AI provides immense benefits to writers like speed and accuracy, human writing has the added advantage of empathy and nuanced storytelling that can truly make a difference in crafting a great piece of content.

The future of writing with AI and human brains working together

The future of writing is one where AI and human beings work together, leveraging the strengths of each. The integration of AI systems into the writing process has already begun. And there’s no doubt that it will become more commonplace in the years to come. But the future of writing is not just about AI. It’s also about humans. The need for high-quality, human-written material will always exist.

We can expect AI to become more prevalent in the writing industry, so humans will need to adapt and find new ways to differentiate themselves. The rise of AI will facilitate a shift in the types of writing that people produce. Humans will be required to write content that only they can write, such as creative, emotionally charged, or descriptive pieces. AI, on the other hand, will be best suited to write data-heavy, formulaic content.

The ability of humans and AI to work together will inspire new forms of writing that were previously impossible. For example, an AI writing assistant can write technical content that is then polished by human writers who add creative elements or storytelling to the piece. This collaboration will create a synergy that will take writing to a new level. And this will result in content that is both informative and entertaining.

The future of writing with AI and humans working together is bright. While there are certainly challenges ahead, the integration of AI will ultimately make writing more efficient and effective. The key to success will be finding the right balance between AI and human intervention. Both should work together to create content that showcases the strengths of each.

Combine AI and human writing to produce winning content

The collaboration between AI and humans will take writing to new heights, producing content that is both informative and emotionally resonant. If you’re on the hunt for a way to combine both for your content creation efforts, look no further than B12.  

B12 offers an AI-powered text generator that lets you streamline your writing workflow and create content hassle-free. If you’re looking to add some human touch, our expert copywriters can assist you to craft compelling content for your audience. Try B12 today to get the best of AI and human writing! 

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